Reuse, Reduce and Recycle
At 20 Microns Nano Minerals, we believe in Zero Wastage and adhere to
‘3R’ Principles of REUSE, REDUCE and RECYCLE.
We place high precedence on waste minimization and measures to prevent pollution.

20 Microns Nano is committed to care for environment, responsibly manage the nature’s resources and minimize its environmental impacts. Our vision is to create a company culture that inherently focuses on efforts that develop a strong sense of responsibility towards environment at individual as well as corporate level.
20 Microns Nano recognizes the significance of declining natural resources and the need to adopt a sustainable development practices. Our responsibility towards environment stems from the belief that business and environment are inter-related. All our operational and business processes are evaluated with their respective effect on natural resources and are streamlined to attain a sustainable development route towards growth.
At 20 Microns Nano, we adhere to ‘3R’ principles of – REUSE, REDUCE and RECYCLE. We place high precedence on waste minimization and measures to prevent pollution.
Our Environmental Management System establishes definite goals, implement plans, monitor operational processes, track performance and continually improve environmental practices.