The diversity and geographic scope of our activities helps us with an efficient operational approach focused on our core business and markets and is divided into two business groups, which are in turn are made up of divisions corresponding to clearly defined markets. The managers of our operational divisions are responsible for running and developing their activities in the framework of the Group’s general strategy.
Aside from legal structures, the Group’s customer-focused structure encourages the implementation of consistent policies within each activity. We understand and take seriously the responsibilities we face as a corporate citizen. Our strong heritage of ethical behavior stems from dedication to our stakeholders—our customers, shareholders, investors, the communities around the world with whom we conduct business, and our employees. We believe that fostering integrity in all of our business relationships will benefit all our stakeholders.

We promote high standards, as outlined in our Values statement, by conducting business in a clearly ethical manner. We have established company policies for conducting effective and complacent business activities. The Board of Directors and senior management of 20 Microns Nano Minerals Limitedare committed to the highest ethical standards.